Apatite Stone Meaning and Uses

Apatite Stone Meaning

Apatite Gemstone Meaning and Uses

First name:

In the Greek mythology Apatite, daughter of the Night personifies the deception and the illusion. According to tradition, it was one of the evils unknown to mankind until the opening of the Pandora’s Box, from which came out along with the other evils that invaded the world. The name is evocative since it derives from the word “apatao”, which means “to deceive”, making the wide range of colors. It has been taken by Period, Tourmaline or Beryl. But Apatite does not really need to hide behind any other gems, because of its wonderful colors and its beauty it is considered a splendid gemstone.

Apatite is a mineral found in several countries but is very rare as a gem. The most important deposits are located in Brazil, Madagascar, and Mexico, although some specimens have also been extracted in Canada and Russia. In 1995, some Apatite of Neon Blue color was found in Mexico, very similar to the color of the Tourmaline Paraiba and from then on the Blue Apatite Neon was transformed into a real celebrity.

Chemical composition of Apatite

The name Apatite is given to a group of minerals of similar chemical composition: they are in fact different minerals, which differ according to whether part of the amount of calcium is replaced by fluoro, chlorine, hydroxyl or strontium. It has hardness 5 in the scale of Moths, which positions it among the stones of medium hardness. Apatite shows a conchoids fracture and an uncertain split.

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Characteristics of Apatite

Neither too dark nor too clear. The Apatite has a brightness of colors of enormous intensity and has a well-balanced lucidity. Its brilliance is influenced by different factors such as its size, purity, saturation of its color and the quality of the work of carving. The polishing of the Apatite represents a challenge for precious stone carvers. A well polished and wisely carved Apatite is a gem of great value. Carved predominantly to baguette, oval or round this gemstone can be worked in different styles like climbing size or mixed size. Larger one-karat apatite that exhibit “eye-clean” purity are extremely rare and are the object of the desire of collectors and experts.

Apatite variety

Apatite belongs to the group of allochromatic minerals, that is to say, they are colored with an element outside its structure. Elements extraneous to the crystal structure are inserted during the formation of the crystal giving the color. In “pure” state – without coloring element – the Apatite would then be white and acquire a different hue of color due to a certain external element. Depending on the element to color the glass Apatite varies between green, yellow, various intensities of blue and yellowish green.

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