This term orgonite derives from ‘orgone’, the term provided by Wilhelm Reich for essential energy discovered everywhere throughout nature.
Also known as “Chi”, “Prana”, “Ether”, “Élan Vital”, or “fifth element”, this vital energy exists in an organic way within a variety of types. It may be neutral (OR), positive (POR) or damaging (DOR = deadly orgone energy).
When positive, it enables living microorganisms to be found in a healthy condition. Reich did a great deal of research and research on the attributes as well as behaviors surrounding this subtle energy.
Reich constructed a powerful orgone accumulator from alternate levels of metal as well as organic material. He built a fabulous cloudbuster with which he could cause it to rain, and he witnessed how orgone radiation was capable of counteracting nuclear radiation.
He died during his jail, after experiencing his laboratory and much of his written work incinerated by the government bodies, who feared what knowledge of this energy could possibly reveal.
We encourage you to join the Crofts in their mission to make the world a better place by “gifting” the environment with orgonite pieces.
The main function is to clean stagnant and negative energy. This has a multitude of beneficial effects. I have listed some of the benefits of orgonite below. These are reported benefits from orgonite users worldwide, and most of these effects have been confirmed by my own experience.
Feeling better, both physically and spiritually the energy around you starts to flow unobstructed, life feels more joyful and harmonious.
Relationships improve – for example, many people have gifted their homes or workplaces with orgonite, and they find that their relationships with family and co-workers improve.
Vivid dreams. This is an effect that many people I know, including orgonite skeptics, have experienced
Better sleep. Some people find trouble sleeping if they have orgonite in the room, as it might take some time to get used to the energized environment. In the long run, though, it promotes good sleep, and many have reported that they have been cured of chronic insomnia with the help of orgonite. If you do find that orgonite makes it difficult for you to sleep in the beginning, keep it out of the bedroom until you are used to the energy.
Spiritual growth. This goes hand in hand with cleaner energy. An organised house can be like a permanent spiritual retreat!
Protects from EMFs. This is one of the main orgonite benefits that draws people to it. It seems that orgonite does not reduce EMF per se, but instead protects your body from its harmful effects. Many people have felt instant relief from a simple pendant, although if you are very sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, you may need to place more pieces of orgonite around EMF-emitting devices (your fridge, computer, tv, clock radio, etc).
Accelerates plant growth. This is one orgonite benefit which is pretty evident when tested.
Cleaner water. Water which has rested on top of an orgonite charging plate tastes better and feels healthier too.
Purifies the atmosphere. Hence the popular practice of gifting orgonite to areas affected by EMF pollution.
How to use:
Place your orgonite below your bed (sleep enhancer), on electrical devices like electrical panels, computers, monitors, televisions, Wi-Fi’s, refrigerators, microwaves or at each corner of your home and/or property including on top of a Smart Meter.
Fasten it to the pipes where water enters your house to energize your water supply. “Plant” orgonite in your garden (every 15 feet) or add to your houseplants.
In your car, place orgonite near your stereo or in the glove compartment, under the seats and in the trunk.
Carry a small piece of orgonite in your pocket or in your bag. Attach a small piece of orgonite to your cell phone or on your electronic keypad.