Tag Archives: Healing Crystals

Discover the World of Metaphysical Products with Prime Agate’s Wholesale Collection

About Prime Agate: A Leading Wholesale Supplier of Metaphysical Products Prime Agate is a leading wholesale supplier of metaphysical products, including crystals, gemstones, healing wands, pendulums, chakra sets, and more. The company is based in India but has a worldwide customer base, serving both retail and wholesale customers. You can find the best wholesale metaphysical […]

Calcite Yellow or Golden Stone Meaning

Calcite Yellow stone

General appearance Common in carved shapes (egg, sphere, etc. …) and in pebbles. Straw yellow stone or yellow orange, bright and smooth. Generally opaque, but sufficiently translucent to perceive the bands and layers that form it, like waves or petrified waves inside the stone. Some stones are almost transparent. They have pecks and rough white […]

Ametrine Stone Meaning and Uses

Ametrine Stone Meaning

Healing Crystals Ametrine Stone Ameaning and Uses General appearance Normally it usually comes in the form of small boulders, transparent, of a uniform purple color, to the naked eye very similar to an amethyst, but an orange spot can be seen. Soft, light and warm Sometimes it can have more orange than purple, or be […]